Work With Me


Congratulations — you've written a book!
Check out my simple process below for getting from the final draft to a complete and polished manuscript.
(For full terms and conditions, please click here.)


Get Writing

Finish your manuscript. Keep rewriting until you're satisfied.
Don't get discouraged! All great books have been rewritten many times over.


Are You Edit-Ready?

Grab my checklist and make sure you're ready for a professional edit. Once it's complete, it's time to move on to the final stage.

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Get in touch and submit a section of your manuscript to receive a sample edit and quote. As soon as the quote is accepted, the edit can begin!

Other writers


For all other writers, here are some of the services I offer:

  • Editing
    • Curriculum vitae
    • Web copy
    • Presentation text
    • Blog posts
    • Academic editing

I am not limited to the list above, so please send me an enquiry if you wish to discuss other projects.